Security Visibility in the Cloud.

For Startups & SMBs that want to implement security best practices into their cloud environment, including next level threat exposure management, monitoring, incident response, and compliance reporting.

Public Cloud Providers

AWS   |   Azure   |   Google Cloud

Cloud Productivity Suites

O365    |   Google Workspace

Cloud Security Assessment

We’ll perform a cloud security assessment to identify any gaps in security best practices, including a cloud architecture review.

Say goodbye to misconfigurations and forgetting about resources! Gain full visibility into your cloud environment with next level threat exposure management.

Threat Exposure Mgmt

We’ll implement the mechanisms for effective monitoring, reporting, and response across your cloud environment, eliminating false positives, alerting you of legitimate findings, and responding to incidents.

Monitoring & Response

We’ll configure your cloud environment to security best practices and setup the mechanisms for User & Access Management, Log Management, IDS/IPS Configuration, Vulnerability Scanning, Patch Control, Database Security, Kubernetes, and more.

   Environment Hardening   

We’ll bring full security visibility to your cloud environment
to easily pinpoint and protect where cloud assets are most vulnerable to attack.